Friday, September 3, 2010

Beginning of our Journey

It was an interesting night, with the big storm. Brent had a fire call in Hudsonville and I was left wondering if I would be able to sleep because of concern over possibly losing power and missing my alarm clock and losing my computer to a power surge. But managed to catch a few winks and woke up with time to get my mother at 8:00. She was waiting patiently with bags at the ready! Keira was excited to see Grandma Barb and see the airplanes. We arrived at the airport with no problems and no wait, except mom with her water bottle which she had to keep so she had to go thru security twice! ha ha! Now we are just sitting and waiting for our plane and composing our first posting for our blog. Until later, Jessica and Mom B.


  1. Are you there yet? jk :) It's kinda feels like we are on this trip with you thanks to this blog. Josie and I really like the background you picked. Very cool. Hope you are enjoying a safe and uneventful plane ride. - Shelly

  2. How exciting that you both get to go to Korea to pick up your little man! :) Can't wait to hear more about your trip!!!! Be safe and have fun!!!! - Love you all! Ben, Emily, Haylee and Evan.
    o, and Evan cannot WAIT to have a boy cousin to help him pick on all the girls!:)

  3. Love the blog neat to see the pics and stories hope all is going well! Thinking about you guys alot! Stay safe and see you when you get back!
